Caring for Smoothing Hair

Unfortunately, after going through the smoothing stage, not everyone knows how to take care of smoothing hair so it doesn’t go back to how it was before.

Hair that has been treated with these chemicals is generally more prone to being brittle and dry. Even though from the outside it still looks soft, if you pay close attention, the ends of the hair can start to dry and break. If you want long-lasting smoothing results, you must understand how to care for your hair after smoothing.

In the following, you can listen to how to care for hair that has just been smoothed, the results are sure to last long and stay healthy!

1. Don’t wash your hair for 3 days after smoothing

After smoothing, you have to be patient not to wash your hair for 72 hours. This is done so that the treatment done on your hair …

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Foods That Make Beautiful Skin Glowing

Spending a lot of money to buy beauty products is often done by women to get a beautiful glowing face. In fact, by regularly consuming several types of food, women will get the same results.

Sweet potato

In terms of skin care, sweet potatoes are able to fight premature aging and are rich in antioxidants, as well as beta-carotene.

In addition, sweet potatoes, which contain very good carbohydrates, are believed to increase energy and reduce the habit of snacking, and make people who eat them avoid obesity.


This fermented drink is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which can improve bone health, improve digestion, boost immunity, and improve skin health.

Especially when yogurt is mixed with turmeric, which will produce glowing skin in accordance with what is desired.


This red round vegetable contains antioxidants and lycopene. Regular consumption of tomatoes will slow down the aging process and improve …

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Safe Exercise Options for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is not an excuse for you to stop or not exercise at all. You are actually strongly advised to exercise regularly during pregnancy in order to maintain physical fitness and support the health of the fetus.

Here are some types of exercise that are good for pregnant women:

Take a leisurely walk and run

A leisurely walk and a leisurely run (jog) are safe and inexpensive sports options for pregnant women.

Regular walking and leisurely running are useful for smoothing the work of the heart, improving blood circulation, and keeping pregnant women in shape.

Routine walking and jogging can be done starting from the first trimester to the last trimester before giving birth.

Get into the habit of walking for 30 minutes per day. No need to go far, just take a leisurely walk around the housing complex or in the nearest city park.

This is an exercise option …

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7 Benefits of Pregnancy Exercise During Pregnancy Until After Childbirth

Pregnancy exercise may be a trend among pregnant women (pregnant mothers), especially those who are still young. But apparently, this is not just a trend, exercise can provide real benefits for mothers during pregnancy and after childbirth. What are the benefits of pregnancy exercise? Check out the explanation below.

The benefits of pregnancy exercise can be felt during pregnancy until after giving birth

Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. Precisely exercise during pregnancy is highly recommended to be done regularly.

This is because staying active during pregnancy, for example by routinely doing pregnancy exercises, can bring various benefits to you and your fetus.

Here are some of the benefits of exercise for pregnant women (pregnant women) that are certainly a pity to miss:

1. Help provide energy

Regular exercise such as pregnant exercise can help you in carrying out daily activities, one of which makes you less …

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